— from Alan G. Edwards —

I am Alan G.Edwards and I support the levy in favor of OIFR!! In 2009 I had a stroke and just managed to dial 911—the 911 guy had me stay with him as he notified the Orcas EMT troops and monitored their progress step by step — he related this mission to me up to “they are in your driveway now”.

With that Chief Max Jones entered my house and said–“get off your ass, Al; we got a med-evac chopper waiting for you at Janet’s farm” and four very big and able EMT troops tossed me in the truck—checked my vitals–then stuffed me in the chopper!!

With in 1 hour and 10 minutes I was up at St. Joes in Bellingham and dressed in one of those silly hospital gowns we all love so well, and I survived thanks to a hardy group of very capable professionals!!

I am profoundly thankful that I could relate such a tale—these absolutely wonderful troops saved my bacon and I recall my Dad back in NY telling me when I was a kid to never sell the cops or the ” fire guys” short; they need all the support we can give them!!