Dear Public Works Department,

I am sure that I am not alone in expressing my outrage at how the Mount Baker Road project is being handled.

For reasons that do not appear to make any sense the contractor doing the work tore off the surface of the corner with North Beach Road. I am confidant that resurfacing the corner was in the specifications but to tear off the surface leaving a rutted unpaved situation for two or three months is the height of unprofessionalism. Three-quarters of this corner are handling hundreds of cars a day. The corner is rutted not to mention that there is probably some law being violated by the amount of dust in the air.

I spoke to professionals who do road work and I was told that the corner should be watered down. What is the point of taking the low bid if crappy execution is what you get. The County should order the resurfacing of this corner NOW. The contractor should be held responsible for his poor judgment.

On another note, where are the left turn lanes at Country Corner, Washington Federal and the North Beach interchange? Also why isn’t the corner of North Beach being lowered to improve the sight lines?

Harvey Aldort