Wednesday, August 26, from 4-5:30 at the Eastsound Firehall

— by Sandy Strehlou —

Dear Friends of Local Agriculture:
I am writing to encourage you to attend one of the following meetings on the proposed greenhouse regs. The San Juan Island meeting is [Tuesday] afternoon at Brickworks. There will be meetings on Orcas and Lopez too. (See schedule below.) It is critical that county residents understand what is being proposed and the potential impacts. The regs are complicated, so a meeting like this is a great way to find out what its all about. My belief is that the county’s consumers will play a crucial role in determining how this plays out. Please come.

— from the Agricultural Resource Committee:
SJC Council is currently considering adoption of new regulations that would be applied to greenhouses and temporary growing structures including hoop houses. Draft regulations considered by Council address siting, performance standards, scale and other issues. The draft regulations are attached below.

The proposed regulations reflect a fundamental shift from supporting and promoting agriculture in the county, to “protecting” residences and the landscape from the “impacts” of farming. The issue of greenhouse production arose following conflicts between a marijuana production facility and neighbors who complained that they were impacted by the noise of the fans, lighting, odor, and aesthetics. As a result, Council requested regulations for marijuana production to address those impacts, and also requested regulations for greenhouse production for other crops.

The Agricultural Resources Committee (ARC) will be presenting information about the proposed regulations for greenhouses. If this issue is important to you, please join us at one of the following meetings.

San Juan Island, Tuesday, August 25th, from 4-5:30, at Brickworks

Orcas Island, Wednesday, August 26th, from 4-5:30 at the Eastsound Firehall

Lopez Island, Thursday, August 27th, from 4-5:30 at Lopez Library