Many in our community support the Land Bank renewal.  Listed below are names of supporters  gathered at the San Juan County Fair booth willing to have their name used in an ad to support a YES vote for renewal of the Land Bank.  And over 2600 San Juan County voters signed the petition to place renewal on the ballot this year.  More testimonials and supporters can be found on www.renewourlandbank.orgTo understand why it is important to renew now and why a 12-year term is critical to the Land Bank’s ability to complete projects which serve the citizens of the San Juan Islands and help enrich our quality of life, visit

Please join us and the many, many others in our community by voting in favor of San Juan County Prop 1 and help protect what makes these Islands so special.

John Moth, BooBoo Keane, Ashley Strutz, Danielle Dean Palmer, Mathew Palmer, Geoff Prentiss, Susan Risser, Jennifer Roberts, Karen Skoog, Rod Kulbach, Sam Stitt, Cher Renke, Kay Jakutis, Carrie Lacher, Howard Rosenfeld, Ruth Offen, Todd Roberts, Dana Roberts, Karalynn Ott, Scott Boye, Megan Jones, Gary Allspaugh, Shireene Hale, Frances Bacon, Pamela Morais, Malinda Dreyer, Luanne Pasik, Kent Gale, Barbara Cox, Mitzi Johnson, Robyn Lowe, Ken Sebens, Jaime Ellsworth, Emily Reed, Chris Greacen, Stan Mathews, Joy Van Camp, David Smith, Jane Weil, Sandy Strehlou, Janet Wright, Joe Gaydos, Julie Brunner, Mary Blevins, Liz Pillow, Kathy Cope, Nancy DeVaux, Heather Spaulding, Chris Curtin, Jamie Stephens, Ed Carlberg, Jan Chamberlin, Merle Turman, Elisa Howard, Richard E. Norris, Susan Vernon, Bob Elford, Joan Tucker, Carolyn deRoos, Roger deRoos, Rene Beliveau, Hannah Snow, Pablo Lopez, Trudy Dallas, Kelly Snow, Barbara Cable, Katie Hover, Judy Chovan, April Ford, Gary Ford, Clint Mills, Louis O’Prussick, Shann Weston, Steve Porten, Mark Cunningham, Susan Sterner, Gary Sterner, Marshall Sanborn, David C. Wilcox, Lee Schiff, Keith Van Cleve, Jackie Scherer, Lisa Nash Lawrence, Jim Lawrence, Marilyn O’Conner, Karen Vedder, Buz Peoples, Jim Vedder, Susan Key, Lenore Bayuk, John Stamey, Martha Scott, Virginia Otto, Dodie Gann, Jay Boreen, Judy Jackson, Cole Hall, Edie de Chadenedes, Richard S. Lee, Margot Shaw, Mary Elford, Doris Van Alen, Diana clark, Joel Clark, James Goetz, Grace M.Swan, Tamara Greene, Larry Wight, Pamela Gross, Steve Hushebeck, Charles Anderson, Kari Koski, Carolyn Haugen, David Zeretzke , James Skoog, Louise Dustrude, Lil Hamel, Barbara Wright, Patricia Morse, Susan Mathews, Joyce Harrell, Georgia Baciu, Bruce Twoomly, Sandra Brame, Patricia Curtis, Doug McDonald, Julia Sanders Dubos, William Myers, Jeanette Myers, Susan Dehlendorf, David Dehlendorf, Les Gunther, Mark Madsen, Garth Jones, Robert Deattie, Margaret Langlie, Peter Goddu, Katy Nollman, David Eden, Joanruth Bauman, Marty Robinson, Mary Zeretzke , Molly O’Neil, Geneve Moffet, Shirley Zyph, Pete Rose, Sarah M. Crosby, Vanda Randall, Scott Schwinge, Susan Schwinge, Dale Whitmill, Loa St. Luise, Jean O’Brien, Michael Wayner, Aaron Shepard, Caroll Kinnaman, Heidi Lopez, Juan B. Lopez , Donna Alexander, Nancy P. Wight, Molly Hogan, Mary Mager, Jennifer Armstrong, David Halpern, Barbara Conrad, Dennis Conrad, Kyle A. Loring, Barbara Marrett, Shaun Hubbard, Harold Kawaguchi