Dear Friends:

This is Tim Thomsen, Partnership Assistant for the US Census, with an important reminder to please fill out and mail back your 2010 Census questionnaire today if you haven’t done so already.  Households that don’t mail back their census form by April 16 will be visited by a census taker, beginning in May. 

It is important that we all urge as many people as possible to mail back their completed forms.  Our census count is more accurate when people respond to the census through the mail.  In addition, mailing the forms saves the federal government – and taxpayers – a significant amount of money.

A complete count of all Washingtonians helps ensure that we receive our fair share of federal funding – money we need for important services, such as neighborhood improvements, housing, transportation, schools and many other programs that matter to our community.  Participating in the 2010 Census contributes to a bright future for our community and families.  Please take ten minutes today to fill out and mail back your census form and list everyone living in your household; it’s easy, safe and important.  Thank you.

And, if you didn’t receive a questionnaire or need help completing it, call the 2010 Census toll-free number at 1-866-872-6868 or visit .