Dear Editors,

Stan Matthews sent you an email with an attachment of a News Release from San Juan County called “Return the Grants for Odlin Park Improvements?”  What they failed to tell you is why so many people on Lopez are upset about the renovation plan for Odlin Park.

Two main points:

First, the Odlin Park Master Plan 2006 put out by the San Juan County Parks Department shows the elimination of the only baseball field in a park on Lopez.  Even teams from San Juan and Orcas have came over and played on this field.  Locals use this field as I have placed a couple of youtube links below.  Parks now has some new drawings that have the baseball field included.

Second, the San Juan County Parks Department wants to remove from Odlin Park an old cannon that was placed 63 years ago by the Lopez Island American Legion as a memorial for the war dead.   The origional Legion members used this cannon as a hands on display, they played on it,  they brought there children to play on it, and the children brought there children to play on it.

Parks says that it is a liability as someone could get hurt on it.  No one has be seriously hurt on it in 63 years but Parks says “they could” so the cannon must go.  This cannon is dear to most islanders and we do not want parks to remove it.

I am collecting signatures for an initiative petition to save the cannon in Odlin Park as is.  I need about 1600 signitures of registered voters from San Juan County to have it placed on the ballot in the general election.

I have 120 days to do this.  I am collecting no money and have been doing this myself.  I will travel to the other islands, so if you see me with a clipboard that says “Save The Cannon” please sign up.

Dan Post
Lopez Island