Like all Washingtonians, we are concerned and frightened by the wildfires raging across the state. But we wonder how many people realize that these unfortunate events are worsened by chronic underfunding and budget cuts to the Department of Natural Resources? Our ability to deal with these problems would be much improved if our state closed tax loopholes that put profits for special interests over education, the environment and human services.

How? Governor Jay Inslee and many of our leaders, including Senator Kevin Ranker from Orcas Island, had the drive and the desire to fund our parks and natural areas by closing tax loopholes. However, the obstructionism, partisanship, and lack of cooperation of the Senate Republicans blocked any progress toward adequate funding.

We must protect our children’s future and the beauty of this state by closing tax loopholes and funding essential community services instead.

There are more than 600 tax breaks that cost our state about $5 billion a year. Next session, let’s close the loopholes for Big Oil, bottled water, and so many others, and instead assure funding for services that keep us safe and keep our children educated.

Eleanor C. Hoague and Marc Cohen
Orcas Island