We now have a great opportunity to permanently protect the nearly 1,000 acres of Bureau of Land Management lands in the San Juans. There is legislation in Congress to designate the lands as a National Conservation Area (NCA). Identical results can also be achieved through a presidential proclamation as a National Monument.

The Department of Interior is asking the San Juan County Council for input. We want the Council on April 3 to answer that request and to support both the legislative and presidential approaches – protecting these lands by whichever approach can be successful first.

Please encourage all members of the County Council to support protecting the BLM lands by proclamation as well as by legislation.  Please send a copy of your email to info@SanJuanIslandsNCA.org by April 2, 2102.


Here is the contact information for the County Council members:

Lovel Pratt –  San Juan South, lovelp@sanjuanco.com, (360) 370-7473
Rich Peterson – San Juan North, richp@co.san-juan.wa.us, (360) 370-7468
Howie Rosenfeld – Friday Harbor, howier@co.san-juan.wa.us, (360) 370-7469
Richard Fralick – Orcas West, richardf@sanjuanco.com, (360) 370-7474
Patty Miller – Orcas East, pattym@sanjuanco.com, (360) 378-2898
Jamie Stephens – Lopez/Shaw, jamies@sanjuanco.com, (360) 378-2898
Ingrid Gabriel, Clerk of the Council, council@sanjuanco.com  (360) 278-2898

Thank you for helping permanently protect these scenic and natural lands.

Bob Myhr