Charter Review Proposition 1 wants us to elect our County Council members countywide. Why? I don’t want people from Mississippi or New York voting for my Congressman and they don’t want me voting for theirs. We don’t elect our state senators and representatives statewide. We don’t elect our Congressmen and Senators nationwide. And there is a reason for it.

We value representative government and electing our Council members by district gives us the greatest opportunity to elect people who will be accessible and who will listen to our concerns. We may not always agree with Council decisions but gutting the Charter the voters approved in 2005 and reverting the to Council members elected countywide is a step in the opposite direction of representative government and opens the door to the members of well-funded special interest groups to get control.

For more information on why we, the voters, should vote No on Propositions 1 and 2, please go to

Please vote NO on Charter Review Propositions 1 and 2!

Art Lange