To The Editor:

Lavender Hollow is in the process of renovating the apartments as well as a separate Wetland Project. The comment period for this project ends today[July 25]. Yesterday people were tagging trees to be cut down; this, before the comment period ended. Apparently Opal, the new owners of the apartments, had no intention of considering the concerns of residents and other interested parties.

I am very disappointed in Opal’s not taking seriously the residents’ concerns about the stress on the Wetland which large tree removal will engender. Those concerns include, Light Pollution, Noise Pollution, (airplanes and roads), poisons around stumps of trees to prevent regrowth. The smaller trees will be unable to carry the water load during the rainy season, and cutting instead of limbing trees that aren’t leaning toward the apartments. The Swale is extremely stressed right now. This Project won’t alleviate these environmental stresses. It will contribute to the “Wind tunnel effect” which will pull more trees down in the winter.

The Swale behind Lavender Hollow is habitat for wildlife including birds protected under the International Migratory Bird Treaty!

We are asked to walk gently upon the Earth Mother, not to contribute to the death of species who depend on us for protection.

Spirit Eagle