I am voting for Bob Jarman for County Council, District 1. With over 35 years of residency in San Juan County, Bob is the most qualified of all the candidates to represent us on the County Council.  Bob’s career experience with the phone company allowed  him to meet our island neighbors and learn firsthand the issues in all four corners of the county.

He has gained valuable experience for the past 8 years in working with a 3 person board as an elected member of the SJ Fire District 3 Board of Commissioners.  This position requires a coordinated effort between 3 commissioners and their Fire Chief and staff – great training for a similar setup on the County Council.

Bob can offer independent thinking. He is not burdened with entanglements in the many pressure and “Network” lobbying groups which are so involved in getting their way with County Government.

I have witnessed Bob’s involvement in family and community all these years and hope you will join me in electing this fine islander.

Tom Starr