Happy Holidays to all our Island Golfers!

We would like to thank you all for such a great 2012 golf season. Your ongoing support has helped us to be able to replace mowers and equipment, continually improve the irrigation system, and purchase more golf carts.  Because of you, we can improve playing conditions and make a fun golf experience.

Though we still have a few more months of wet conditions we are already thinking about the coming golf season, and doing all the prep we can to be ready; from changing oil on our 10+ pieces of mowing and tractor equipment to ordering logo hats and the hottest new golf equipment.

Your early membership payment helps us do what is needed to get ready for the next season while in these slow months.  To show our thanks for paying for your membership early, we are offering a 5 Guest or Cart Pass. You get to bring out 5 guests or rent 5 cart uses for free. To get the most value you could bring 5 guest on the weekends ($45 for 18 holes) and save a total of $225.

Also, sales tax will increase in 2013, so if you pay for your membership before the end of the year you will save on tax!

I am looking forward to seeing you all this next season.  We have some fun events planned and are looking forward to another great year of golf on Orcas Island!

Justin Taylor

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**