Dear Friends,

You’re invited to a special event next Saturday, Dec. 22 aboard the San Juan Islands Inter-Island Ferry!

Some of you know that last year I took a course online called the “Agents of Conscious Evolution” (ACE) Training. I was attracted to this course, seeing the breakdown of our society happening in so many ways, and coming to the realization that nothing short of a transformation of the human mind and spirit would be able to address all of these challenges happening simultaneously.

There’s a global movement around this growing awareness which is using Dec. 22, the day after the end of the Mayan calendar, as a focal point for birthing a shift in our society to one that is more compassionate, sustainable, peaceful, loving, and synchronistic.

Along with local fellow ACE students, Morgan Meadows on Orcas and Khorsian Blanc-Ridings on Lopez, I joyfully invite you to join us on the inter-island ferry next Saturday, Dec. 22, as a date to welcome in this new beginning.

We’ll have about an hour when we’re all together on the ferry. We’ll share our highest visions for our own lives and our world from our hearts. This gathering can serve as a beginning for an ongoing support network where we can share ideas for working together with each other going forward. Feel free to bring a short poem or song to share if you’d like, as well as what work you may already be doing in the world that’s contributing to this shift in consciousness and being in the world.

To join our circle, people can get on/off the ferry at these times:

Lopez 9:55 am until 1:00 pm
Shaw 10:15 am until 12:40 pm
Orcas 10:35 am until 12:25 pm
SJI 11:15 am until 2:00 pm

I’ll be staying on the ferry til it gets to Lopez at 1:00 and then taking the 3:50 ferry back to Orcas.

What better way to celebrate our interconnectedness than on this ferry ride on our beautiful and precious Salish Sea!

Let’s put our minds, hearts and energies together on Dec. 22, to welcome a new era and a new consciousness, with new opportunities for co-creating and working synergistically together for a more compassionate, sustainable, peaceful, loving world that works for everyone!

Sharon Abreu