Dear Editor,

Leadership has been in short supply in many areas of our government and Americans of all parties and beliefs have called out for leaders who will solve big problems by bringing people and solutions together.  Leadership comes with the responsibility to set a strategic direction after considering all available ideas and options, create a structure and plan that will turn the vision into concrete outcomes, and continually work to improve the outcomes through efficient allocations of resources. Without a clear vision and plan, communities miss significant improvements to strengthen the core assets that the community was built on.

Almost 20 years ago, I visited Orcas Island and it was an experience I will never forget.  The natural beauty of the San Juan Islands are a well-kept secret to most of the country, but not to me.  The natural beauty of the islands is enhanced by the spirit of the people who help make the local economy well-kept and vibrant.

Rick Hughes was the person who brought me to the San Juan Islands and to Orcas Island and I believe he is the type of leader who fully represents the leadership qualities that will allow the community to thrive.

Rick is a passionate and committed person and I have witnessed his ability to find creative solutions that deliver meaningful improvements to the environments in which he operates.  Rick and his family have a multi-generation connection to the islands and to the community.  Rick and his family have chosen to spend their time and energy improving the lives of their fellow residents and creating a plan for the future of the islands – and that says a lot.  They are invested and they are committed.

In a time when we need leaders to lead, Rick represents a leadership style and focus that can have an impact on the future of the islands.  I hope you will take advantage of the asset you have in Rick.  He is a great person and he cares – and he is willing to lead.

Tim Armstrong