Today I am looking at my ballot, deciding who and what to vote for or against. Some of the choices are easy, I know about the issue, I have a strong stance, others, I am not aware of who of the people are, or what they stand for. Sometimes, I vote down party lines, hoping the candidate will best represent my views based on the fact that we commonly identify with the same half of the population. Other times I only vote for what I know about and leave the rest blank.

This time around I have become more involved in understanding the issues, and have a more developed sense of what and who I support. I have gone as far as to become involved in the campaign of a friend who is running for county council against another friend. I am sure I am not the only person in the Orcas West district with this particular dilemma.

I am supporting Rick Hughes for county council because I believe not only does he better represent my personal political philosophy, he also has a developed plan to help our county move forward out of this recession, out of  sometimes dysfunctional administration, out of job insecurity for county employees, out of  difficult public interaction with county staff, without sacrificing our environment or our local independent ideals. He is a true representative of Orcas Island, working to keep our tax money here to be reinvested in local Orcas jobs. Rick is a strong supporter of education as evidenced by his commitment to the PTSA. Rick wants to keep the money we spend on solid waste in the hands of local families by creating local jobs by supporting Orcas Recycling Services bid to run the transfer station.

This is not a popularity contest, this is the future of our county. Rick Hughes has a plan for our county that is comprehensive, compassionate and practical to move us forward. If you have not returned your ballot yet, regardless of who you vote for, take some time to consider the issues and develop your own opinions. I support Rick Hughes for County Council. Please consider voting for him.


Greg White

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