I am very concerned about the difficulty Orcas will have electing the person of our choice for County Council. If Orcas voters do not come out VERY strong for a single candidate, the Lopez and San Juan votes could easily decide who gets elected from Orcas. This happened to us on Charter Proposition #1 which we rejected, but Lopez backed it at about 85% and pushed it through. If they get behind a single candidate, they can have this same influence in selecting our Orcas Council representative.

Rick Hughes will bring a solid balance to the council and has shown he is not indebted to any party or special interest group. He is versed in what is facing the Council which is very important with the restructure. He has a multi-generation knowledge of the islands couple with his own extensive involvement in the community. Rick knows what it takes to make a living and to raise children on the island. He has used his time as our representative to gain the insight on what is facing the new council and will work hard for us. It is not going to be an easy job yet with his ability to work with others, I believe San Juan County and Orcas would be best served to have Rick sitting on the council.

If you want to learn more about Rick’s vision for our community to help you decide how we can be best represented, we invite you come to our home for refreshments and a one on one with Rick Hughes. Friday Feb 1st between 4 and 7 pm // 640 Buckhorn Rd . 376 6847.

Dick and Velma Doty