Regarding the upcoming nonpartisan County Council election, we are surprised at how many people have made up their minds because of who they have labeled as the “liberal” or the “conservative” candidate, with out really looking at what the candidates stand for and what they have actually done.

Rick Hughes has no agenda, is not indebted to any one and when he has made numerous choices to help working folks on the island, it has often come out of his own pocket, which has sometimes meant less profit at the end of the day. He has an eye to the future and understands creating jobs and preserving the environment are essential to keeping our Islands vibrant and prosperous.

These are a few of the things Rick Hughes has done to support working families and preserve our Islands environment:

  • His pharmacy accepts Medicaid, has collected and donated $5,000 to the Food Bank and has pledged another $5,000.
  • The Drug Buy Back program prevents toxic medicine from being flushed down the toilet and contaminating our drinking water. Some of these decisions may not have been the wisest choice for his profits but they were the right thing to do.
  • As a community representative on the Farmers Market Association he has worked to achieve non profit status, which lowered vendor rates, promoted accepting EBT (food stamps) and has effortlessly supported organic farmers who are using sustainable practices.
  • In the Farm to Cafeteria program, Rick was instrumental in finding local beef to serve to our kids. His goal is to have 50-80% of the food served in the cafeteria to be locally sourced! Aside from being great for the kids, imagine the opportunities for income for small businesses and farmers.
  • Rick created the upcoming 3rd annual Cider Mead Festival, all proceeds go to the Farm to Cafeteria Program.
  • As a member of EPRC, Rick has worked to simplify codes to make it easier to start small businesses.
  • Rick is PTSA president and along with his wife Marlace, has given up hundreds of Friday nights running the rollerskating program.

We encourage everyone to re-elect Rick Hughes for County Councilman. Let’s let him continue his work towards building community, helping out our neighbors and encouraging growth while preserving the environment.

The Miller family