President Obama announced today [Nov. 14] that citizens who had been paying for their own health insurance, and liked their health insurance, but had received termination notices from insurers that require them to get new policies within the next month—policies that turn out to cover less of what we need but cost more–can keep our policies for another year.

Note that this is what the Administration did earlier this year for big business and union plans—gave them a one-year extension. Meanwhile, people without insurance can continue to enroll and receive subsidies, and no other benefits of the ACA would be suspended. The President apparently does not believe that this “fix” will threaten the implementation of the ACA.

Oddly, our state’s insurance commissioner just announced that his operation is going so well that he won’t let us keep our existing policies, no matter what the President says ( ) Commissioner Mike Kreidler claims that he worries what the extension that the President has offered us would do to the insurance market. He expressed no such concerns about the ACA in general, or when the big businesses and big union plans got their one-year extensions. It’s just the small businesses or individuals who buy insurance on the regular market who are going to distort the market.

If you are one of those people who have been paying for your own insurance for years, will continue pay for your own insurance under the ACA, and like the plan you have now, call Commissioner Kreidler at 360-725-7055 and tell him what you think. Or go to to tell him. Or tweet @wainsuranceblog.

Peg Manning