— by Don Webster —

Are you upset with the dramatic increase in the cost of our electricity which is only starting to hit the islands and will become more onerous in the next few years? Do you dislike the substantial financial risk the OPALCO Board has forced onto the OPALCO owners (the membership) by embarking on a new Internet business venture and purchasing a competitor company? Do you think some major decisions, such as becoming a full Internet Service Provider and buying out competitor companies should come to the membership for a vote?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes then the ballot is simple to complete. Vote AGAINST both incumbents and elect the new candidates (Randy Cornelius and Ed Sutton). Those of us who are upset with the direction of the current OPALCO Management and Board of Directors need to send them a powerful “no-confidence” message. The way to send that message loud and clear is to start removing the current Board Members. Maybe you feel one or both of the new candidates have flaws, but the message here is that if you allow the incumbents to be re-elected, don’t expect them to start listening or considering the way the majority of the membership feels. They have clearly demonstrated a “we know better than the membership and we have the authority to take these actions without the approval of the COOP owners” perspective.

Let’s remove the incumbent Directors and hope that our new Directors understand that they will only have one term to show they can do better than the existing Directors.

While you’re completing the ballot, I also recommend you vote YES on the Member proposed Bylaw Amendment. This item will require OPALCO to send Email notices of Board Meetings and proposed Bylaw Changes to those OPALCO Members WHO REQUEST to receive those Emails. If you do not want to be notified, you will not get the Emails. Those of us who are concerned about the direction and management of our COOP will get timely Emails of these events. OPALCO is arguing against this measure because it will apparently cost several hundred dollars to set up and operate each year. That amount of money is truly a drop in the bucket of their budget. I believe the real reason they are fighting this Amendment is simply that they do not want to make it easier for concerned OPALCO Members to attend their meetings or question the Bylaw changes they may make.

In the end, if you don’t like what is happening, you need to cast your vote for changes!