I found Mr. Orlov’s presentation [“The Fall of the American Empire” Crossroads Lecture on Oct. 9] to be articulate, humorous, and eye-opening. It is a rare speaker who can pack so much punch into a few short hours, and these hours my friends, are growing short!

I applaud the Crossroads Committee for bringing Dmitry to our home here on Orcas. I was encouraged by his speaking truth to power and his thoughtfulness.

The buck stops here, folks, and the times they are definitely changing. If you kept an open mind and ear there was much to be gleaned. I find the more the world changes the more some want it to stay the same. This is just not possible.

If you truly care about your families, your friends, and humanity, then it is way past time to reflect upon the environment in which you live and the way you interact with it. I understand this upsets people. The haves don’t think they need to worry and the have nots, well, have naught. Denial is a useful tool in a toolbox of bad choices.

Once upon a time we had innovation and peace (though never for long). Our ancestors came here for a variety of reasons. I believe the most important included freedom, equality and prosperity. America was good to them and it has been a perfect place for many. Yet those who choose to ignore the warning signs of what is really happening in our country and around the world at this point in time do so at their own peril.

Mr. Orlov may call himself a “collapsitarian,” but I found him to be a fine example of what has been missing in many a discourse — an honesty and openness for real (overdue) thought-provoking discussion.

My Thanks,

Tracey Levine