Pierrette Guimond will bring a fresh perspective and renewed energy to the position of Fire Commissioner, if elected.

She would also bring a thorough understanding of how junior taxing districts are managed.  She has served two such districts, the Orcas Island Library and the Orcas Cemetery District #2.  Through her years of service Pierrette has become very familiar with the particular issues and requirements of such districts. She has been on both sides of the district table.

She has been responsible for holding public meetings that fulfill the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.   She has had to answer tough questions from the public, and has fulfilled countless requests for information.

She has always held the public’s rights as her responsibility, while at the same time taking care of business and getting things done.  This is why Pierrette is able to ask hard questions: she has had hard questions asked of her, and has had to be accountable.

It does not benefit any tax district to operate in a vacuum.  Public involvement and understanding are essential to the healthy operation of OUR tax districts.  Vote for Pierrette Guimond, and you will gain a hard-working, fair, and principled commissioner who advocates for ALL those involved with the department, including the public and the taxpayer.

Ann Lister