As Lisa’s daughters, we think you should vote for Lisa for County Council.

In our totally biased but very well-informed opinion, we think Lisa would make a great council member because she is a great mom, and we think that great moms make great council members!

Lisa respects us and takes us seriously even when she disagrees with us.

Lisa can explain really complicated things so that they make sense to us.

Lisa listens to us and makes sure she has all the information and hears everyone’s perspective before making big decisions.

Lisa told us once that her ministry, her calling in life, is to work towards a world where everyone has a home- a sustainable, affordable home that you can love and take responsibility for. That is what Lisa has worked towards for 17 years as OPAL’s Executive Director. Now she is expanding her efforts from the houses that are our homes, to the island community that is our home.

Lisa wants to make San Juan County a sustainable, affordable community for all families, now and for generations to come. She loves our island community and wants to preserve it- for her children and yours.

She sure has our vote!

Emma and Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff