Housing foreclosures are happening at an unprecedented rate. Facing this same edge has made it impossible to ignore snippets of shame when threatened with the loss of my own home.  I had a mixed congress in my head about facing our community with this issue last Monday. But the tangible show of support for our Benefit endeavor inspired relief and confidence.

Once the music began I couldn’t stop grinning! From the opening “Give Yourself To Love” to the closing “What a Wonderful World,”  Sharon Abreu and Mike Hurwicz, The Parking Angels,  storytellers Eth-Noh-Tec and Antoinette Botsford, all brought playfulness and a sincere message of hope. The quality of the silent auction items and the poetry shared were extra-ordinary. I forgot that this was a fundraiser, enjoying it as a celebration, with an intention to succeed beyond limiting circumstances. By Wednesday, I was able to make my mortgage payment and keep my home out of foreclosure. First mission accomplished!

I have had to adjust my income producing efforts to accommodate a serious health challenge. Patience with the healing process and trusting the progress made is sometimes difficult. My consulting physicians have assured me I can fully recover within 18 months, if I’m balancing work and rest, while maintaining the adjunct medical therapies. With no medical insurance, all my treatments have to be paid out of pocket.

If USDA-Rural Development, who holds the loan on my OPAL home, accepts my pending request for a moratorium on payments, I will be allowed to temporarily divert those funds to pay for my health care. When this comes through, I can refocus on my business development. With one last certification to complete in this regard, hopefully in September, I will complete a set of educational goals which contributes towards my family’s longterm well being.

For everyone who participated in the recent fundraiser: Thank you for giving me cause to smile and receive the unexpected blessings of your generosity.

Morgan L. Meadows