Tony is the longest continuously serving current school board member with close to 9 years tenure. He will continue to help create conditions in which children and the school’s staff are able to succeed, that everyone involved in the education process is appreciated and held to a high standard. He will continue to encourage strong connections between the school and community.

He participated in creating OISD’s long-range plan, became a member of the Budget Advisory Committee and helped improve financial practices with the support of the Educational Services District. This led to the evaluation of the 1980’s buildings and the eventually successful bond measure for replacement / retrofit work.

Tony demonstrated fiscal responsibility, significantly increased the reserve fund and guided the modernization of teaching techniques, replacing aging computers and printers. Work included a variety of building upgrades on the high school, elementary school, and the Waldron building. All projects came in under budget and on time. Other work addressed long term planning and making sure there is support for extracurricular activities, special education and preschool services.

We want board members with experience, creativity and commitment to education for our children. Overall, Tony is dedicated to making sure that our children are prepared to graduate from high school with confidence in anticipation of higher learning academically or in a technical college.

Tony’s relationships with key legislators in Olympia will assure further progress, as he expects to hold our legislators to the constitutional burden of properly funding education of all children

We need Tony Ghazel’s leadership, experience, fiscal discipline and his skill of working with people who hold many different points of view. His integrity is above reproach. He will always seek the best for our kids and the school. We need to re-elect him to the school board. Please favor him with your vote, as we will.

Ruth and Rolf Nedelmann
Rosario, Orcas Island