
Most of us are deeply fond of our dogs.  Most of us are also deeply appreciative of the parks and public lands available to us on Orcas, where we  choose to walk with our leashed dogs.

But a problem has arisen.  Although most dog-walkers carefully pick up after their pooches and place the poop in mutt mitts, the mitts are then all too often left beside the trail or in parking areas, apparently in the belief (or hope) that someone else will dispose of them.

Collection and disposal of this waste is the responsibility of the dog’s owner, not the job of rangers, stewards or volunteers who maintain places like Turtleback Mountain Preserve, Moran State Park, Eastsound Waterfront Park and Obstruction Pass.  Servicing trailside mutt mitts is a way for dog owners to help care for the special natural areas in our community. We can all be courteous and leave only footprints.

Anne Hay
Turtleback Docent