Comments about Town Hall meeting Aug 6, 2009

I attended the Town hall meeting on Thursday August 6, where the first hour of the meeting dealt with ways to increase the shortfall of needed revenues by cutting services and increasing property taxes and the last hour dealt with ways of reducing the possibilities of increased revenues with some of the proposed provisions of the Critical Areas Ordinance and the vendor sign ordinance.

It seems to me that what is sorely lacking in this whole process and discussion are clearly defined goals of what we want our island to be now and for the future. Many of the committees and elected officials seem more focused on compliance, rather than what makes good policy and good sense to achieve the desired goals of the Community.

A few of many examples are:

The UGA is reduced in size, leaving a dense area of homes with failed septic systems outside the UGA. They are not required to be connected to the sewer system, presenting a possible source of contamination to wells and Eastsound’s drinking water.

The proposed 200’ shoreline setback of the Critical Areas Ordinance affecting about every home already built along the shoreline, making them non compliant and a major lawsuit waiting to happen.

Any controlled growth in the UGA of Eastsound is just about eliminated in the proposed provisions of the CAO wetland restrictions.

Not everyone will agree on what our island should be, I believe most folks are here for the wonder and beauty of this magnificent place.

The last time I looked there were at least 32 County Boards, Commissions and Advisory Committees.

It might be a good idea to determine what the highest goals are for our Island and our Community, and take the necessary steps to achieve them. It will not be easy!

Carl Yurdin

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