Peter is right about the “amazing spirit of cooperation” that saved Madrona Point from development almost 20 years ago. Now it needs to be saved again, from neglect and inertia and bureaucracy. In addition to Peter who began it all with his photographs, other islanders stepped forward in leadership positions, such as Rick Doty, Jill Schropp, Casey Woods, Spirit Eagle, and Penny Sharp. Dozens of islanders joined to do the nitty gritty ‘committee’ work: drafting petitions, getting them signed, making phone calls, writing press releases, planning meetings, attending hearings – whatever it took.

It’s got to be islanders, stepping forward again!

To islanders who remember the incredibly joyous celebration at the Oddfellows, when Lummi tribal members and Orcas islanders rejoiced together in 1990: get your friends and neighbors to come to Peter’s next presentation on October 17th. Prepare yourself to do what you did before!

To island newcomers: become informed by reading the documents Peter donated to the library and attend Peter’s next presentation on October 17th.

To everyone: look at Peter’s photographs, look at Madrona Point from whatever vantage point you can. Walk as close as allowed right now. View by boat or fly over it! Let Madrona Point itself inspire you to the right action.

Sandy Anderson

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