— from Moana Kutsche —

A Yes vote on the fire levy will preserve and enhance our community’s investment in the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue department that serves us so well.

The investment in people is paramount. OIFR can do what it does because of dedicated, highly-trained volunteers and staff. Last year was the largest volunteer class in a very long time, as 22 islanders completed the fire academy. This year, several became EMTs, and a technical rescue academy is underway.

Volunteers need equipment, which has more than quadrupled in price in the last 15 years. Bunker gear (fire suits) and breathing apparatus have become better and safer, and, of course, more expensive. Volunteers and staff must have far more training than they did 15 years ago, per state and federal regulations. There is also a lot more paperwork for each call and each volunteer than there used to be. As you have heard, call volume rises each year.

In order to recruit and retain volunteers, we need professional leadership, talented training officers, safe equipment, a chance to learn more and improve skills, and excellent morale. Without these things, the investment that our community members have put in will slowly erode as their safety, enthusiasm and dedication fade.

Of course, funds must be spent to maintain the buildings and equipment that have been purchased. The fire department does a terrific job extending the working life of the vehicles and equipment. That takes careful maintenance. This is part of the budget that gave rise to the levy request.

We need the fire levy to keep the department running well now and into the future. The budget that the commissioners approved is responsible and reasonable. It is the result of an extensive and professional strategic plan, developed with citizen input and approved by the commissioners in open public meetings.

I trust our fire department commissioners, staff and volunteers to make good use of public funds, and to operate in a professional and transparent manner. I hope you do too.

If you have questions, please review the extensive information on the fire department’s website: www.orcasfire.org. There will be an open house on April 12 from 11-2 at the Doe Bay Fire Station, and a town hall meeting on April 16 from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall. Come with your questions. Even the tough ones.

Thank you.