Dear Editor,

A number of important issues were addressed at the November 27 meeting of the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue (OIFR) Department that I believe are of significant interest to the taxpayers of the district.

In January the public will be given the opportunity to comment upon the manner in which the OIFR will help finance the new Sheriff’s boat being added to the county’s emergency service, perhaps by a single yearly payment of approximately $25,430 or alternatively a $6500 fee for each use for transport, a difficult call given that in the last few years there have been fewer than 5 transports annually.  One wonders if the OIFR might help offset the cost through a policy seeking at least partial reimbursement, perhaps through insurance or donation or both.

Keeping in mind that negotiations for a new contract with the paramedics, three of whom also function as Division Chiefs at a (cumulative) annual cost of $50,940 excluding benefits, will commence shortly, it was probably prudent to dispense with a Cost of Living Adjustment for staff this coming year. This financial hardship is somewhat mitigated by the inclusion in next year’s budget of $17,300 to cover the cost of staff merit pay increases (what  those of us of a certain age formerly referred to as “raises”) as well as an additional $20,000 to help provide medical coverage for family members of the staff.  Another additional $30,000 has been made available for funding volunteers’ medical coverage.

Unfortunately the OIFR will soon be loosing the services of Financial Officer Rick Anda who has been a considerable asset to the department. Personally,  I wish him well.

A happy, safe and healthy holiday season to all.

Pierrette Guimond