— by Michael Coughlin —

While some of the questions about OIFR spending are mystifying, there are some black and white facts about this vote that even nit-pickers cannot sustain.

Unless I am wrong, the levy requested is the same that has been in effect for the last ten years. In the last ten years have your property taxes, your food costs at Island Market, and your energy costs stayed the same? Being asked to renew the same amount as paid over the last decade specifically to do with support of a must have public service with no increase? Am I missing something? How could any sane person not vote for the request? Does anyone actually think it could go down?

It is absurd to think that a vibrant, hard-working group of dedicated employees and volunteers at OIFR can remain at the same remuneration over the next ten years. The equipment that has to be updated to stay current cannot possibly stay the same over the next ten years. The funding must be there or the citizens of this beautiful place will see declining service.

The Fire and Rescue and EMT people are your link to help in emergencies. We are all lucky to have a highly thought of and capable chief and superb professionals at work for us here 24/7. Reading the several letters from people whose lives were saved by OIFR ought to give those who for whatever reason want to vote no a second thought. You might be in one of those emergencies in the future, so it might be well for you to support this program with all your efforts.

Accidents can happen to anyone, any time, regardless of how careful and fastidious one is. When that event occurs, it is past the time to worry if OIFR is funded to handle the problem.

Everything costs money, and it all goes up. OPALCO just raised its rates. Dish and Direct TV have an ongoing rate increase. Cost of fuel for your car and your home is not decreasing. To think that OIFR can grow and work as it needs to in order to meet current and future needs with support of people and modern equipment without funding in the right amount is worse than naive. It is short sighted.

Vote yes on the OIFR levy. It might save your life.

Michael Coughlin
Deer Harbor