— by Tony P Ghazel —

I am writing in support of the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Levy. I understand some of the consternation about a levy election and the concern that public funds are being spent wisely. In my experience on the Orcas School Board for the past 10 years, I learned many things and one of which is that our Orcas neighbors and friends are engaged and demand excellence particularly from local tax payer supported public institutions. We want to ensure that we are getting a good value for our taxes.

I have examined and discussed this replacement levy with many and I have come to the conclusion that the services that are required and that the Orcas Fire and Rescue is providing in emergency response and community readiness, are essential to our remote and aging community and our financial support is critical to making that happen.

Costs are rising and in many cases dictated by state and federal demands through updated requirements on training, gear and so on. These volunteers and staff are valuable for our safety and wellbeing and we want them well prepared, well trained and well equipped. We also want the fire trucks to start when they are needed and we want these assets protected in the seven or eight fire stations around the island.

This levy election is about funding the Orcas Fire Department services for the next 10 years and it is also about the trust and confidence in Chief O’Brien and his able paid and 70 Plus volunteer staff, and, the Orcas Fire Commissioners. The question is, are they providing clear and accurate information, the answer is YES. Are they up to the task in being good stewards of the public’s funds, YES. Is this levy necessary to continually provide emergency lifesaving response, YES.

If you agree then please join me and my family in supporting the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue mission and vote YES on proposition 1.