— by Pierrette Guimond, a concerned citizen —

The Community voted to increase the Board to five Commissioners and I was supportive of that
process. The Commissioners elected by the people, represent the people and hopefully make good
decisions with our tax dollars that support a great department and dedicated volunteers.

In December the Board voted for a new process relating to public comment at their meeting. A member of
the public must sign up in order to make comments or ask questions. and a Commissioner will respond through the District Secretary if there is a question after the meeting. Documents are not available to the public as it had been before.

A public record request is necessary in order to get copies of all documents that are presented at a public meeting and they have 5 business days to fill the request.

By law Tax District do not have to take public comments but The Council, School District, Library District, Cemetery District, Park District, Port District have been open to listen to the public and provide documents at the meetings.

The Fire Department March 19th regular meeting was cancelled without any explanation.

The March 22nd meeting lasted nine minutes and all regular business was deferred to the April 16th,
regular meeting. [The March 22 meeting] was attended by three Commissioners, the Chief and Secretary.
Two public comments were made and documents were signed at the end of the meeting without any
motion to approve.

The Commissioners received $112.00 for attending a meeting, so the March 22nd, nine-minute meeting
cost the taxpayers $37.00 a minute. That is all part of our $2-million dollar budget.