I asked these questions at the last fire department meeting on August 11 and would like to share the answers that Chief Mike Harris emailed me with anyone interested.

Mary Hatten

Subject: Answers to questions submitted @ August 11 BOFC Mtg.

In question #1 you asked “How many fire fighters have died in a fire on Orcas in the past 100 years”.

Since the fire district was established 60 years ago, no firefighters have died in the line of duty on Orcas Island.

Question #2:
Of how many square feet does the present building consist?

I assume you are asking about the Eastsound Fire Station at 45 Lavender Lane.  If so, it is approximately 14,000 square feet. It is on 2.97 acres and the TPN is 271412008.  I will explain the need for the TPN later.

Question #3
How many acres does the Fire Department own?  Is any of this wetlands?

First I will provide the TPN for each owned station which will help you locate it on county records @ www.sanjuanco.com.  When you get to the county web site go to parcel search on the left hand margin. Then it will ask for a parcel #.  That is what the “TPN” is that I gave for the various parcels the district owns. Of the 7 fire stations we operate 4, including the main headquarters station listed above are owned by the fire district.  The other 3 are:

The Rosario station (.23 acre) @ 53 Firehouse Ln. (TPN 173113002) This is a Statutory Warranty Deed that reverts back to the original owner if non-use continues for  2 years,

The NEW Deer Harbor station (.45 acre) to be built @ 13 Legend Ln. (TPN 260724006).

The Orcas landing station @ 1163 Killebrew Lk. Rd. (TPN 262322004) a gift from Pete Whittier in 1981 (.34 acre).

I do not know the status of wetlands and I would suggest now that you have address and TPN you may satisfy that question yourself.

Question #4:
How is the space in the building allocated?  Is a blueprint available?

Since the answer to the second part of the question is yes, I would ask you to come in for a look at the blueprints and that will show the use of all the areas of the station.

Question #5
Is any of this area rented?


Question #6
Can any of this space be rented?

Yes, If the Board so allows.

Question #7:
What is the cost of building station 21?

All I have immediately available to me are the bid results. The bid was awarded to the low bidder, Colacurcio Bros. for $1,709,300.00

Time to research & write responses:  1 hour & 20 minutes.

Thank you for your interest in San Juan Co, Fire Protection District #2, Orcas Island Fire & Rescue.

Sincerely,  Mike Harris

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