Dear Council members;

I am a long time Orcas Island resident who wants to see local control of our solid waste facility. I believe wholeheartedly that the Exchange proposal is the one that will work best for Orcas. The expertise of the crew at our solid waste facility needs to be utilized; the Exchange group recognizes this, and wants to keep the existing crew, who have served this community well for years. I do hope we find a way to keep wages steady for those who have served the Solid Waste Facility; they need to know they can count on a living wage.

The idea of separating recyclables will save considerable expense, and the savings can be put toward implementation of upcycling and offering recycled products such as compost and chip mulches. Local control is what the citizens who voted for plan B wanted. I was unsure: I voted for plan A, because I didn’t see how we could succeed in plan B with nothing in place. But now that we have plan B, people are stepping up who care about what locals want, and who are committed to our original solid waste goal of reducing the waste stream.

We are tired of hearing “it can’t be done,” in terms of innovative approaches. The only thing that “can’t be done” is to continue the same unsustainable, destructive ways we’ve been going for far too long. R. Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Most of us live here because we are passionate about these islands, and that passion includes stewardship and care of our lands and waters. I know that the committed individuals spearheading this are people who can get things done. It will take a lot from the community: donations, visioning, volunteering, expertise, and patience. With the board at the Exchange and their vision of sustainability, which does the least harm to the planet, we have an opportunity to build a new and kinder system – for ourselves, for our children, and for the planet.

Although upon reading Cimarron’s proposal, it seems more polished and professional, I have complete confidence that we locals can grow a plan that evolves as it goes, has more room for changes as they are needed, and gets better and better as we know more and adjust things. I believe in the creativity and resourcefulness of our citizenry, and our ability to come together and make this work. Please vote for the Exchange’s (Orcas Recycling Services) proposal.

Thank you for your consideration.
Sadie Bailey
Eastsound, WA