At our next meeting, November 5th at 3 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center, the Eastsound Planning and Review Committee will be looking at how the proposed new Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO), designed to protect our sensitive natural resources, will impact Eastsound.

As the islands designated UGA, Eastsound is expected to accommodate 50% of the growth on Orcas.  The focus of this meeting is to hear the impacts upon essential community services.

Representatives from the Eastsound Sewer and Water District, Public Works, and Eastsound Water Users Association will discuss the changes these proposed regulations will have on their operations and the implications for development within the Urban Growth Area.  Large maps, prepared with support from Public Works, show the three setbacks under consideration from shorelines and streams.

After EPRC has completed its review of the CAO it will present its recommendations to the County Council and Planning Commission. We would like to invite anyone interested to come and participate.

The progress on EPRC’s 2009 priorities and those considered for 2010 will also be discussed.

Patty Miller, Member EPRC and CAO update committee