
Monday is my last official day as the coordinator of the Orcas Island Recreation Program. I will be around to help Linda Sheridan, my replacement, as needed. I hope my work has had a positive influence on our community, families, and children.

Thank you for your support. I wanted you to know that the county has cut %100 of our funding. Had we had our annual funding, we would be entering August $2,000 in the black with fundraising events coming up. As it is, we’re $14,000 in the red. It’s tough. We have raised our fees, and we use our time efficiently. However, our costs exceed our revenue. It’s community donations that keep our doors open. I don’t know what will happen in 2010 with the taxing district. I do know that I’d like to raise funds to keep our doors open and our programs strong in 2009. If you can send a tax deductible donation to PO Box 1644 in Eastsound, that would be most helpful. Linda and I are willing to meet with you face to face to discuss a large donation. Thanks for considering a gift to the Orcas Island Recreation Program.

So, I hope you’ll get a chance to meet Linda Sheridan at the open house meet and greet August 28 between 4-6 at the Senior Center.

Mark your calendars for our benefit concerts at the Orcas Center, September 11 and 12 @ 7:30. Tickets are available at www.orcascenter.org or 376-ACT1. We have a great evening planned that will be fun and quite entertaining! I hope you’ll be there.

As we approach autumn, fall youth soccer, the annual triathlon, I’ll be bowing out and ushering in a new era. Thanks for your support!

Didier Gincig, Coordinator
Orcas Island Recreation Program

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