Dear Citizens,

Vote “NO” on the solid waste parcel user charge. Help our citizens control recycling in a meaningful and sustainable manner. Co-mingled recycling is the direction the County continues to go, so say “NO”.

•       Voting for more taxes will NOT make our Public Works Department more efficient.

•       Increased taxes will NOT increase recycling options.

•       Increased taxes will NOT lower solid waste or recycling costs.

Why finance a Public Works Department that has been fiscally irresponsible for years, despite having the highest transfer station rates in the State?  Why not promote a pay as you use model, rather than a model that gives no incentive to lower landfill waste nor an incentive to recycle?

A local Co-Op, or local private enterprises, would provide lower prices, better service, and more choices. These choices would also create more local entry level jobs.  One thing is a given: If we continue with the Public Works model, YOUR costs will continue to rise while YOUR services go down.

Help businesses, like Consignment Treasures and The Exchange, prosper and grow as citizens learn how to properly Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Make an environmental difference. Vote “No”, to promote recycling in our community in a sustainable, efficient, cost effective, manner that encourages more reductions in our garbage waste stream.

We can have it all: Self haul, Recycling, Lower Costs, Better service. We just have to say “NO” to Public Works and the co-mingling of recyclables. Vote “NO”.

Frank Penwell,
Consignment Treasures