— from Bill Wulff —

I’d like to share three things that stand out for me about our Prosecuting Attorney/Coroner Randy Gaylord.

When a family water crashed their small airplane just off the northwest tip of Orcas three of the four escaped from the plane before it sank. Randy rallied all of the governmental resources he had nurtured over the years and within hours had the Coast Guard and US Navy on site. He had pledged to the family that he’d be there for them to personally recover their young daughter from the wreckage, and he did.

A body was smelled by hikers in Moran Park. The person was so decomposed that only a few obscure clues were available for investigation. Most people would have given up on trying to locate family or friends of the deceased. Randy was like a dog with a bone rounding all resources to maintain his standard of doing everything possible for everyone who dies.

A young island family facing the terminal diagnosis of the father wanted him to be buried on their multi-generation farm. Randy worked with passion to enable the family to accomplish their loved ones legal burial on their private land. Thanks to Randy we now all have the unique option of green burial in San Juan County.

I feel so fortunate to be able to vote for Randy Gaylord’s reelection to the office of Prosecuting Attorney!

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