The Orcas Island School District’s Readiness to Learn program would like to acknowledge the assistance it continues to receive from the Orcas Island Community Foundation, most recently through the additional funds granted through the Gates Foundation. Thanks to the responsiveness of the Community Foundation’s Executive Director Hilary Canty, Readiness to Learn (RTL), along with other community programs, was able to expand its services to the island’s most vulnerable population, our school children.

Last spring, the Community Foundation partially funded RTL’s request for funds to assist in providing direct services so that school children may be prepared for the learning environment each day. When the Gates Foundation offered to complete funding for those programs that Orcas Island’s Community Foundation (and other community foundations) in the state was unable to completely fund, OICF worked with RTL to obtain that funding.

The Readiness to Learn staff works to link the parents of school-age children with community resources that assist them when they face challenges to a healthy lifestyle. With the declining state budget this year, the legislature authorized $34,240 for the Orcas Island Readiness to Learn program – down $3,804 from the previous year. We also lost our Federal Block Grant for mental health referrals, which was $6,000 last year.

At the same time, with the closure of Rosario Resort and other factors increasing unemployment, the general economic downturn, and the spread of H1N1 virus, we are daily seeing more requests, multiple needs and new families in need.

With the invaluable assistance of the Orcas Island Community Foundation, we have now received $10,000 to continue our work strengthening the island community through connecting students to needed services, and effectively supporting a healthy environment for families in need.

RTL assistance increases access to existing public benefits and supports such as the County Mental Health funding for school-based services, the Island Market receipts program, the Food Bank, and coat and shoe distribution through Island Hardware and the Sons of the American Legion.

RTL works with the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership and the Early Childhood Education and Assistance programs — among other community partners — to prevent and reduce violence through Community Forums and community-wide campaigns such as the Family Literacy Month this November.

RTL also works to strengthen the community and build strong families by coordinating before-school “Parents and Pastries” gatherings for parents to connect with their children’s classroom activities, parenting classes at the primary, intermediate and middle-school levels, and parent network meetings, grouped by student age.

In addition, RTL has taken the lead in providing school instruction with basic “XO” computers to elementary-aged children who do not have computers at home. After signing a contract, the children can take these computers home and introduce their families to this critical learning tool.

RTL is working to bring the English Language Learning (ELL) community into the district’s activities, by providing translators at parent meetings, by translating take-home flyers into Spanish, and by facilitating a parent meeting of the ELL parents.

Through resources such as the Food Bank, OPAL’s rental assistance program, OPALCO’s rate assistance program and other community support, we can help families deal with the stressors that impact their children’s school day.

In addition, the Family Emergency Fund administered by Readiness to Learn offers immediate assistance to families of school-age children when other options have fallen through.

Through the support and funding of the Orcas Island Community Foundation, in partnership with the Gates Foundation, we are in a position to continue to serve the school children of Orcas Island and their families. We deeply appreciate that support.


Barbara Kline, Superintendent, Orcas Island School District

Margie Doyle, Coordinator, Orcas Island Readiness to Learn