To the Editor:

On behalf of the Common Sense Alliance, I would like to thank the Planning Commission for agreeing, at its meeting on July 22, 2011, to undertake further consideration of code enforcement ordinance revisions, including review of what we believe to be significant problems with the amendments as originally proposed. We believe that the alternative provisions offered by Commissioner Mike Carlson, if adopted, will promote fair and consistent enforcement of our land use and building codes—something which the citizens of the County have a right to expect. (The proposed substitute provisions are posted on the Common Sense Alliance website,

We also want to thank the members of the public who took the time to let the Planning Commission know—by telephone, e-mail, or attendance at the meeting—that the originally-proposed amendments are not how we want to treat our neighbors in San Juan County.

CSA believes that public participation is now more important than ever, as the Planning Commission reviews the realities of code enforcement (or lack thereof) by the County, continues its consideration of the code enforcement rules, and considers each of the critical areas ordinance chapters in turn.

When you see the members of the Planning Commission (Stephen Adams, Karin Agosta, Mike Carlson, Susan Dehlendorf, Brian Ehrmantraut, Evelyn Fuchser, Bob Gamble, John Lackey and Barbara Thomas), please thank them for their volunteer service to San Juan County and the hours of reading, analysis and deliberation they are being called to devote in the review of the Critical Areas Ordinance this year.

We urge everyone to stay informed, keep an open mind, ask the tough questions, look behind the rhetoric (on all sides), and consider the big picture: What kind of community do we want for ourselves and future generations of islanders?

Tim Blanchard, Orcas Island
Vice-President, Common Sense Alliance of San Juan County

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