Dear Pete Rose and San Juan County Council Members,

I am very distressed by the recent events concerning the Shoreline Characterization and Inventory Report. When I was struggling with trying to write my report and unable to get any help from the County I put the word out to come to the Orcas Fire station last Wednesday for a work session so shoreline owners could all help each other.

I consider the one page sheet on the county site, that you are supposed to fold up and mail, totally unhelpful in responding to a 350-page report with 40 maps.  I discovered a more helpful, but still daunting, form on the Common Sense Alliance website.

Around 45 people showed up (early) and not one of them knew anything about this Characterization report much less a deadline. True, I was looking for help myself but more importantly I wanted to share what I knew by then with my friends and neighbors.

By Friday my phone and email were going crazy with people who knew absolutely nothing and wanted help. Some did call CD&P but no help was available. I helped them as best I could and suggested that we all ask for an extension, to write a more through report. I offered to take the reports to County offices on Monday, April 30.

I have been told that the reason for me to review this report and maps is to make sure that my property is characterized correctly because once the council accepts the report that will be the baseline for the future. My house is not on the map.

I am disappointed on the futile attempt to contact/notify shoreline owners when this has the potential to dramatically affect them. This reminds me of 1979 when the Comprehensive Plan was adopted and the people who didn’t step up lost out and are living with the ramifications.

I was so frustrated last week, as I am sure some of our county employees were as well, but for Stan Matthews to put on the county website that the form that I had encouraged my friends and neighbors to use was a hoax, is outrageous! For six generations in San Juan County my family and I have worked to support this community in many capacities and I consider this action by Mr. Matthews a direct attack on my character.

This kind of retaliatory behavior needs to stop now and we all need to be working together to create a better  San Juan County in which we can be proud of and want to continue to live in and I do expect a posted apology.


Leith Templin
Orcas Island