Probably most people on the island have received and (hopefully completed) their census form and mailed it in.  Unfortunately, some people, especially senior citizens are reluctant to divulge any information to the government, no matter what information it is collecting.

Please, I encourage every one on the island to complete your census for and get it mailed in.  Many of you may not know how important this is.  Based on the demographics of our island and other communities across the United States, the census results determine the amount of federal funds to be allocated to those communities.  They also use the numbers to determine which programs are to be funded, and may reallocate the number of representatives delegated to each district, existing or recreated.

This is important information to be used for the next ten years.  The only way we can truly benefit from the results of the census is to have everyone complete and mail their forms in.  Especially you, Seniors.  If you have questions or need help with your form, call the Senior Center at 376-2677 and ask for Linda.  We’re here to help.  That’s our job.

Linda Tretheway
Senior Services Coordinator
Orcas Island Senior Center