To Casey

The words wouldn’t come
I didn’t even go to my computer to try
Feelings were locked in with thoughts
Three weeks it’s been
The world seems different somehow without your Presence
Tears locked inside not flowing with the River of Life
Not expressing Grief
Not shouting from the rooftops, “She is gone, she is gone”
The world is less bright
The world is less without you
A Bumble Bee flew in my door and told me that you are safely Home
Your generous heart your generous Spirit held nothing back for yourself
You gave of Yourself, of your Healing Knowledge and Abilities
You Always Gave one-hundred percent Sweet Sister and Friend
Thank you for sharing your Healing Gifts with the world.
Countless lives have been touched and made better by the work that you did
Those who knew you best loved you best
The crows are cawing the eagles are calling from Madrona Point
The People of that place are welcoming you You are Thanked
One past a quarter of a century your life has touched mine
We will meet again when the new world you helped to create is a Reality
I will Recognize you
Fly High Casey Wood with the Eagles on Wings of Pure Light

By Spirit Eagle

Casey Wood was a Jin Shin healer, physical and emotional healer,  and astrologer who lived on Orcas Island in the 1980s and 90s.