Dear Editor,

I urge voters to support Lisa Byers for SJ County Council.   She understands what the islands are about and what issues affect us.  Her greatest strength is her willingness to listen well and then speak the truth.  She is reasonable but not shy about kindly saying what she thinks is right even when it’s unpopular.

But it’s her understanding of what local government should be, her stated priorities for SJ County, that make her a great candidate.  She gets it.  Her website lists the three big goals that will guide her efforts.

1- Sustaining a healthy, diverse and vibrant community.   No one narrow issue is so critical it overcomes the importance of balancing many factors to sustain a good community.  Priorities change but the main goal for county government couldn’t be stated better.
2 – Fostering job opportunities that strengthen island culture.   Without jobs with living wages that fit our culture, healthy island communities cannot prosper.
3 – Aligning a balanced budget with citizens’ priorities.   With Lisa on the Council, citizens will have a member who has proven she is willing to listen with an open mind to determine what’s most important and then to act wisely.

Please vote for Lisa Byers for County Council.

David Zeretzke
San Juan Island