When we first discovered the San Juan Islands, we – like many others – were primarily attracted to their natural beauty. But after living here for over 12 years, what keeps us so attached to this beautiful place has more to do with the dynamic sense of community that thrives here.

This is why we are supporting Lisa Byers for San Juan County Council. Under Lisa’s leadership, OPAL Community Land Trust has epitomized an approach that says, “not only can we do it, but we can do it better.” As Executive Director of OPAL Lisa has repeatedly demonstrated the success of a reasoned and multi-dimensional approach to accomplish goals that are in the best interest of the entire community.

As a member of the county council we believe that Lisa will listen to all voices and attempt to make judgments that will not only benefit the majority of today’s county residents, but preserve what is best about this place for the future.

Harold Lentzner and Elsie Pamuk
Orcas Island