I feel fortunate to be raising my family in this rural island county.  Having spent my childhood growing up between San Juan and Orcas Island, I can’t imagine a better place to live.  A sense of community impacts all aspects of our living, from education to recreation, from commerce to volunteerism, and from growth to preservation of our beautiful islands.   But where a “sense of community” is most important is in the ideals of our political leaders.  And that is why I will be voting for Lisa Byers for County Council on Feb 12th .

I have had the pleasure of sharing island experiences with Lisa in a variety of platforms.   She understands the intricacies of island life.  She knows that the role of county government is to protect when needed and communicate the needs of the people while putting her personal views aside.  Lisa has offered me professional guidance, and in each instance she has shown herself to be a great listener who gives advice without judgment or personal bias.  She has never been influenced by anyone else’s principles and operates with a perspective that is based on reason and common sense.

As many of you know, I have worked with families and children in this community for 17 years.  I have lived the struggles and I have seen what it takes to maintain a viable existence in our county.  Lisa had shared these island experiences and knows what is needed to keep our community working.  She has a strong sense of family and is committed to bettering the lives of all residents of San Juan County.

So, please – join me in voting for Lisa Byers for County Council.

Amber Paulsen,  Lifelong San Juan County Resident