I am voting for Lisa Byers for County Council.

Having served as a San Juan County Commissioner and as a County Council Member, I have a deep appreciation for the importance of making sure we have an effective County Council – one that can get things done.

It is not enough to be a “nice person.” This is a position requiring strong skills as a manager, as a consensus builder and, most of all, as a leader. I have have known Lisa and admired her work for our island community for many years. I have worked directly with her on numerous committees and projects, and consistently witnessed her ability to find common ground where others only saw differences. She is smart, knows how to build a strong team, run a lean operation, set high standards, and implement effective solutions.

I want Lisa to represent San Juan County, because I want a Council that functions well, that solves problems, and that makes decisions to benefit the majority of residents today as well as in the future. I urge you to join me in proudly voting for Lisa.

Senator Kevin Ranker