I support County Council candidate Lisa Byers for the Orcas district seat. Lisa has demonstrated her commitment to our islands over the past two decades, leading OPAL, the Orcas community land trust, to a phenomenal record as a provider of permanently affordable homes for moderate income citizens.

She is a parent who has successfully raised children in our community. We are incredibly fortunate that Lisa is willing to apply her formidable capabilities, honed by education and experience, to addressing the challenges of governing our frequently fractious communities. I have watched her interactions with people, in groups and as individuals, and have observed that she treats others with dignity and has a particular talent for identifying common goals and practical means to reach them.

Lisa is an independent thinker, beholden to no on- or off-island interest group. I do not know precisely what positions she will take on the future issues and crises that will confront her as a Councilmember, but I know her actions will be thoughtful, informed and in the best interests of our citizens.

Susan Dehlendorf
San Juan Island