Dear Editor,

We are writing you today in support of Orcas Island candidate Greg Ayers for County Council. While we are residents of San Juan Island, it is important for all of us to remember that this is an island wide campaign, and we all can, and should vote for Greg.

When we first met Greg we were impressed by his business and government experience and how his skills could benefit the residents of San Juan County. After talking with him, asking for his insights and thoughts on the challenges and issues facing our County, we were more convinced that he is the strongest candidate to serve us.

Greg’s idea for improving the financial health of our County is novel and creative. He describes a method by which County expenses would be prioritized, and budgeted, based upon the legal obligation of the County. Then, based upon resources available and the ability of the County to deliver a certain service the expense is prioritized. Greg’s solution just makes sense, and shows how he can take a problem and solve it in a unique way.

Equally important are Greg’s ideas for creating jobs and increasing County revenues. He is focused on realistic solutions, not “pie in the sky” ideas that are unlikely to yield revenues, let alone quality jobs. Lastly, Greg has a pragmatic approach to protecting our island environment. He recognizes the importance of education and sustainable programs for environmental protection and enhancement, while maintaining our island culture and way of life.

Greg’s drive, motivation and recognition of our County’s needs are very impressive. With the challenges the County will face in the future, we need Council Members with skills and experience, and proven results that Greg provides. We strongly support Greg Ayers for County Council and we hope you will give Greg your vote on February 12th.

Dave and Jane Cable
San Juan Island