
I have worked with Greg Ayers for many years, both at the Orcas Grange and helping he and Pat build their home.  He is very creative and hard working, functioning well using his organizational skills to help our diverse collection of actors, building sets and working back-stage.  I have been very impressed with how he has applied the same skills with the Eastsound Sewer and Water District, where I am a customer, and has always sought thorough answers to the questions I’ve raised about the district.

Greg is one of the most intelligent people I know and a great problem solver.  Most importantly, he is able to apply his knowledge and skills to guide others with diverse opinions to find common ground, accomplishing a unified goal. These skills are essential for County Council Members, making decisions based on the needs and preferences of all San Juan County citizens.

Greg’s is deeply involved in the community and invested in the San Juans.  He believes that we must all work together as neighbors, building self-sustaining lives while preserving our rural culture.  Please join me in supporting Greg Ayers for County Council.

Doug Bechtel, Orcas Island